Write For US

*Notice: We are seeking guest writers and guest content for our Realty Insider Magazine. All contributions are welcomed but we reserve the right to decline or make grammatical changes to any article submitted. View our guest post submission guidelines (Similar to those below) https://realtyinsidermag.com/submission-guidelines/ . You will have to register for an account before you are able to submit content as no submissions will be accepted via email.

………………………………… SKN Real Estate Guidelines Below ………………………………

If you are a writer/blogger and have a guest post, articles, or write-ups that you think would add value to our readers, then feel free to send us your guest post or write for us and I would be delighted to publish them on SKN Real Estate. We love to build relationships with real estate-minded individuals. If you share our passion for real estate or any of the related topics below and have what it takes to write for us, then we would love to hear from you!

Write for us, Real Estate Guest Post, Real Estate write for us, Home improvement guest post, home improvement write for us, mortgage guest post, DIY Guest post

Topics We Accept

We are only looking for quality original content that matches our editorial guidelines. Below are some subjects that we are interested in, which you can write an in-depth article about something related to or of interest to our readers;

  • Real Estate News
  • Buying, Selling or Renting
  • Mortgage News and Tips
  • Citizenship by Investment
  • Celebrity Real Estate News
  • Economics & Laws Affecting Real Estate
  • Caribbean Living
  • New Construction Developments
  • Home Improvement & DIY
  • Interior Design & Architecture
  • Relocation tips to St. Kitts & Nevis or any Caribbean Island.

Submission Guidelines

  • All article submissions must be original content. Not currently posted on other blogs or editorials. If your article is reposted elsewhere, it will be deleted from our blog immediately.
  • Articles must be “AT MINIMUM” 600+ words long, ideally more. Articles shorter than 600 words will not be considered.
  • Articles must be well researched, original! And written by you.
  • ALL submissions will be checked for breach of copyright.
  • We reserve the right to approve or disapprove suggested links within the article or to include additional links.
  • We reserve the right to format the submitted article to match our look and feel.  This tends to be only correcting spelling & grammar and adding any additional images needed to make the article more visually appealing, though it depends on the individual post.
  • Please submit your written guest post or idea to sknluxury@gmail.com with the subject “Guest post Submission”.
  • You will receive a response within 48hrs pertaining to the status of your submission.

Author Credit

If you are successful in submitting an article to us, we will give you full authorship credit at the top of your post with a featured ‘bio.’ Here you can include a bit of information about yourself, as well as links to your Website or Blog.

Write for Us

Fill out the form below to get in contact with us and let us know what you are interested in writing for us.  Feel free to list some post ideas for us to look over if you are not sure.  Any links to past work are also welcomed.

Please note that we are sent many article ideas and articles daily, so we are not always able to respond to you straight away.  It usually takes us 3-7 days to go through all submissions, so please be patient. We will get back to you to let you know.

We look forward to hearing from you and reading your submission.

Send your submissions to sknluxury at gmail.com with the subject “Article Submission: Suggested Title”

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