St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit announces and accelerated application process at CBI in Dubai

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS :- Since taking up his post as the new CEO of the Citizenship Investment Unit (CIU), Les Khan has been working hard to implement reforms that will define the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program as innovative and an international leader once again.

He achieved this at the two day CBI Conference which took place last week at the Crowne Plaza in Dubai when he announced a step change in what the CBI program in St Kitts and Nevis has to offer. He advised delegates that the CIU will now be able to offer an Accelerated Application Process where applicants will be fast tracked and approvals granted within 60 days.

The CIU under Khan’s leadership has been undergoing a number of reforms including the strengthening of its vetting process and the implementation of a Technical Committee. This therefore means that the same high standards of due diligence will apply to every new applicant but as a result of increasing the team and expanding on their expertise, applicants will now be able to be fast tracked at a premium.

Mr Les Khan said:

“It was my ambition to improve the service delivery and performance of the Citizenship Investment Unit and I am grateful to the cabinet of the Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris for sharing this vision, for having confidence in the unit and for having a commitment to deliver a Platinum Service.”

Mr Les Khan said that with the improved processes and systems in place, St Kitts and Nevis is able to provide applicants with a fast track service, including the issuance of passports which previously had been subject to lengthy delays. Mr Khan noted that the clients in Dubai were eager to implement this new program and to this end he will be releasing guidance on the implementation of the initiative shortly.

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